
United States Virgin Islands Senior America

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Ms. Senior America 2014, Celina Dilbert Celina is originally from Brooklyn, New York, where she attended college, married and raised a family. At age 59 she retired as a Trust Officer with over 20 years experience in Company and Trust Administration.

Married for forty years, she has four sons and one grandson. She enjoys dancing and singing opera and has been a member of her local choir for over 30 years. A few of her greatest accomplishments aside from raising four fine young men is at age 51/52 (2002 to 2003) she completed three Half Marathons.

Celina hopes to inspire other seniors/elders to "Dream the impossible dream and reach for the unreachable stars" and that it is never too late to "Live the highest vision of the grandest vision you ever held about who you really are."

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